2. Explore the unknown


Author's POV

May, 2023.

Bengaluru, Karnataka.

The cosy living room was filled with the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee. There stood a loving couple - Sarojini and Raman Yadav.

Wrinkles of wisdom adorned their faces. It was a testament to a life well lived.

However, their expressions now were a mixture of pride and bittersweet. It's because they were bidding farewell to their beloved granddaughter - Parul Yadav.

The morning sun streamed through the lace curtains, casting a warm glow in the room.

Parul's luggage sat by the door, packed with essentials for her new journey.

Raman Yadav looked at his dear granddaughter Parul with a touch of hurt in his eyes. Gently clasping Parul's hand, his grip filled with both strength and tenderness, he placed a soft kiss on the smooth of her palm.

Sarojini stood close by, her arms embracing Parul in a comforting hug.

As they stood in the doorway, the outside world seemed to hold its breath, as if acknowledging the significance of this moment, as if dragging the time so that they feel the time itself slowing down for them.

" Sona...you have to take care of yourself kandha (baby)" Sarojini's voice trembled as she whispered the words of love.

" And.. don't worry about us... Sameer is here to take care of us" she assured even before Parul opened her mouth to speak.

" Okay, ammamma (grandma) I'll be fine. I have Aditi and Rao uncle to look after me....okay!" Parul spoke, her soft voice brought assurance to the old couple.

" Don't forget to call us daily Sona...don't forget to eat all three meals..and..don't roam around alone, take Aditi or Rao with you...don't---" Raman's voice, filled with wisdom and care.

Parul cut short him in the mid and cupped his cheeks.

" Thatha ( Grandpa) I remember everything. I am Mr. Raman Yadav and Mrs. Sarojini Raman Yadav's one and only granddaughter... Sri nope Kumari (Miss) Parul Yadav" She looked at him with an exaggerated expression. Both the couples smiled at her exaggerated introduction.

" It's getting late. You will miss the train Sona didi (sis)" Sameer said earning her attention.

She looked at the young man in his late twenties and nodded her head.

" Sameer... take care of them." she held his hands in hers and he squeezed them, assuringly.

She smiled as he did that.

" Okay ammamma, thatha (grandma and grandpa) bye...

I love you guys a lot and you know that. I will miss you guys so much..." She waved her hands, hugging them once more.

They exchanged one last embrace, holding each other tightly, etching this moment into their hearts.

Touching their feet, she sought their blessings. As they blessed her, she walked towards the car and settled inside.

She turned back to see her grandparents standing there, their love shining like a beacon.

" Sameer, I'll call you once I get on the train. Bubye Ammamma, Thatha..bye Sameer." with a final wave and teary smile, she bid them goodbye.

The car started, and the couples waved their hands, holding onto each other until the car disappeared from their sight.

" She will be fine Saru...she is my granddaughter" Raman said, looking at his wife with love and a sense of pride.

" Haa...old man..she is my granddaughter too!" Sarojini playfully said, giving a light tap on his shoulders.

" Arey! She is also my didi (sister) remember!" Sameer added making a jealous face.

And all three of them broke into laughter.


She remembered the stories that her grandfather shared of his journeys, the challenges he had overcome and the lessons he had learned. His assuring words brought a sense of relief to her racing heart. He said that they believed in her strength and abilities, urging her to embrace every opportunity and never forget her roots.

Parul looked at the greenery, her eyes filled with a mixture of excitement and a tinge of sadness. She knew this was a necessary step, but the thought of leaving behind the comforting embrace of her grandparents made her heart, ache. Yet, their unwavering faith in her abilities gave her the courage to take up this new opportunity.

Her fingers made their way to her neck. A small rose gold chain with a tendril butterfly pendant adorned her slender neck.

It was a gift from her parents. It served as a reminder of their unbreakable bond, despite the physical distance. Tears welled up in her eyes as the fact that she could not be with them for one long year crossed her mind.

It'd be really hard for her to live without them.

She couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anticipation. The rhythmic chugging of the engine and the gentle swaying of the carriage created a soothing atmosphere, providing a sense of comfort amidst the unfamiliarity of the journey.

Parul looked out the window, observing the passing landscape. The scenery transformed like a colourful tapestry, with vibrant green meadows stretching as far as the eye could see. Trees danced in the wind, their leaves rustling with a melodious symphony. She marvelled at the beauty of nature.

The train travelled through idyllic countryside, where rolling hills and picturesque valleys unfolded before her eyes. She couldn't help but admire the delicate wildflowers that adorned the fields, their petals swaying gracefully in response to the breeze. The scent of fresh earth and blooming blossoms permeated the air, filling her senses with a delightful fragrance.

At times, the train passed through quaint little towns, where charming houses lined the streets. She caught glimpses of people going about their daily lives, their faces reflecting a myriad of emotions.

She reflected on the purpose of her trip, and the possibilities that awaited her at the destination.

A sense of adventure coursed through her veins, igniting a fire of curiosity and wonder. She felt a surge of energy, eager to explore the unknown and embrace new experiences.

After hours of journey, the train finally stopped at its final destination.

She pulled the yellow dupatta (shawl) over her head and wrapped it around her face, making sure only her eyes were visible.

Taking all her luggage bags, she stepped off the train. Her wandering eyes fell on the huge yellow rock board.

Jivapur was written in dark black ink.

A small smile adorned her lips as she read the name again. Sighing inwardly, she walked towards the exit.

The stream of people rushing to catch their trains, luggage rolling along the platforms, and the echoing announcements of arrival and departure filled the atmosphere.

The sense of urgency was evident on everyone's face.

She made her way through the crowded people. She was clearly lost. Looking here and there, she ran her hands in the handbag and pulled her mobile out.

Dialling on a familiar contact, she held the phone near her ears.

" Hello..." The caller on the other end spoke but Parul couldn't hear because of the commotion.

" Hello...hello...can you hear me...?" Parul spoke loudly as she stepped here and there to catch the signal.

" Shit!" Parul mumbled as her phone switched off, all of a sudden.

She looked at the now black screen, mumbling incoherent curses.


" Boss...Syed is released..." Mansoor informed.

He slowly removed his sunglasses and placed them on the tanker of his black Yezdi.

His chocolate brown eyes shone under the sunlight.

" Attack!" he said, the word smoothly rolling out of his mouth as if he was singing some song or confessing his love.

He settled on his Black Yezdi, the bike roared to life, and he disappeared from the spot in no minutes, followed by his men.

Before he reached Jivapur train station, he broke all the traffic rules and yet, none of the police/traffic police dared to stop him.

Parking his bike, he made his way inside the train station. He wasn't even running. He was walking like a fucking king.

Behind him were his five loyal men.

His hawk-like eyes spotted his prey within a snap second. Syed, who was about to abscond, noticed him. His chocolate brown eyes darkened looking at Syed's fearful eyes.

No..no.. no-no...run...Syed mumbled under his breath and started sprinting for his dear life.

A dark chuckle escaped his lips as Syed started running for his life. It was enticing. He looked like a scared goat, escaping the clutches of a hungry lion.

Three of his men sprinted behind Syed and two of his men ran towards the other side of the station while Shiva walked towards a particularly crowded spot.

People made way for him quickly. Once crowded spot looked free, now.

Mansoor, his right hand caught Syed by his backside collar and pushed him backwards, he landed on the floor, yelping in pain.

He kicked him on the stomach and yanked him up, dragging him towards Shiva who was standing a few feet away from the scene.

All the chaos stopped immediately. The only sound that could be heard was Syed's yelping, Parul's mumbling and occasional gasps from the crowd.

" Why are you even running Syed?" his deep voice resonated in the silent station sending shivers up and down their spines. Syed was practically shivering.

The next minute, he received a hard punch on his nose, followed by the cracking sound of the bone and then his gut-wrenching scream.

Parul turned back. Her eyes widened seeing the bloodied man running towards her. A stream of blood gushed down from his nose. Her breath hitched when another scream erupted, followed by another punch on the side of his cheeks.

She yelped as the bloodied guy tried to hide behind her. "Still running!" he spat, raising his fists to hit him hard. A horrified shriek left her lips as she closed her face with her hands. She thought this guy would definitely hit her.

His fists remained in the air, as he observed the girl in front of him. He couldn't see her face as it was covered with a dupatta (shawl). All he could see was her heaving chest.

His brown eyes darkened when she slowly removed her hands from her face and then peered her doe eyes at him.

The same brown eyes.

Slight moisture veiled her honey-like brown eyes. She gulped visibly looking at him in close-up.

His brown eyes looked almost black. His jaws were locked, the clenching and unclenching of his jaws made her understand that he was angry and he was controlling it really hard.

" I...I didn't...I don't---" she failed to convey her uneasiness.

Syed took advantage of this opportunity and pushed her to the front, sprinting for his life, yet again.

Parul gasped, her head collided with his hard chest. His hands circled around her slender waist in a secure grip.

Hissing deeply, she looked at his chest, it was broad, chiselled and a few hairs spread neatly along his chest. She raised her eyes, he was already looking down at her, rather intently.

She gulped again.

He could make out her facial features through the thin fabric covering her face. The white Anarkali suit hugged her skin, showing her perfect curves. His chocolate brown eyes lingered a little longer on her pink lips before moving back to her honey-brown eyes.

His jaw muscles ticked again, he didn't like how similar they looked.

"I..i..am.. sorry" she mumbled, if not paid attention, nobody could hear it. But he heard it.

The strong masculine cologne hit her nostrils as they remained glued to each other.

" Leave! Now!" he said, his voice deep, his tone curt.

She blinked her eyes a few times not understanding the rudeness behind his voice. She looked down at his hand which was still on her waist rather securely, he left her immediately, heaving a deep sigh. His hot breath touched her skin.

Parul looked back, her luggage had fallen. Mumbling something under her breath, she picked up the bags and slowly walked past him.

His eyes never left hers. He watched how carefully she picked up her bags and how slowly she walked past him and then how quickly she sprinted from there.

A small chuckle escaped his lips seeing her literally jogging. She seemed interesting.

" Ratha Bhai (brother) we got him!" Mansoor said, earning Shiva's attention.

Shiva's eyes were still fixed in the same direction where she disappeared. He nodded after a brief minute.

" Finish him!" he said, without wasting another second, Shiva walked out from the train station.

Hey guys, please click on the star button and follow me.

How's the chapter?

This is how he met his future wife >.<

I've made a reel for this particular scene, if you wanna see it, you can check my Instagram account. The link is in my bio.

What are your views on our ML and FL?

And what's the fun if he always drives a car? Most of the heroes and especially villains in South movies ride a bombastic bike. So yeah! Realistic enough.

Let me know your views in the comments section.


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