4. Bad vibes


Author's POV

Parul was interacting with the kids one by one. She learned their names, their parents' names and their ages. Most of them were three years old and only two or three were two years old.

The kids seemed to like her. Although they were only 3 years old, they didn't cry, unlike other sections.

All the kids were actively involved in interaction and Parul also taught them about safety while playing outside. The kids thoroughly enjoyed her jovial ways of teaching and the rest of the class went engagingly.

Parul was content that the kids liked her in such a short time and even accustomed to her ways of teaching.

The long bell rang indicating that the classes were over and the kids rushed out of the classroom. Some bid bye to her, some even gave her a flying kiss and Manav was one of them.

She liked this cute boy a lot already.

After every kid left the class, she also stepped out of the classroom and proceeded towards her cabin.

In the crowd of small kids and some parents, she recognised someone that she had seen earlier today.

A pair of black eyes were watching her intently. She looked around. There was no one in the same direction as her. So she confirmed that he was looking at her.

He was wearing a grey tee shirt and black jeans. His aquiline nose added more to his beautiful features. His light olive skin glowed radiantly under the warm sun. He wasn't smiling but something was flickering in his eyes that she found amusing.

His black eyes roamed on her beautiful face. Her cream-white skin looked dewy. The dark pink floral print anarkali dress complimented her skin. Her golden brown wavy hair reached up to her mid-waist and her honey-brown eyes twinkled under the sunlight. The light pink lipstick went well with her subtle make-up look.

" Hello..." she snapped her fingers in front of his face. That's when he snapped out of the admiring trance and blinked his eyes and cleared his throat.

" Are you waiting for me?" Parul asked, looking at him with arched brows.

A small smile appeared on his lips as she said this. She was looking at him with an accusatory eye, her lips formed into a small pout.

" I am waiting for my son" He said, his voice deep yet soft.

She looked at him for a brief minute, trying to find any lies. He looked too young to be a father. She was about to say something when a cute voice interrupted her.

" Pappa..." Manav ran to his father who embraced him in his warmth.

After placing a gentle kiss on his forehead, he picked up his son in his arms.

" Manav..." Parul said looking at Manav and then at his father.

" Mishhhh" Manav said, batting his big lashes at Parul.

She took her time to observe their strikingly beautiful-similar features.

Manav looked so much like his father. They both shared black eyes, an aquiline nose, thick lashes and a light shade of olive skin.

" Hey, I'm Aryan...Manav's father" Aryan said, extending his hands for a shake. Parul grinned sheepishly and then shook hands with Aryan.

" I'm Parul...I am a child psychologist and right now, Manav's mentor" she said with a small smile playing on her lips.

" I'm sorry Mr. Aryan. I thought...--"

" it's okay..you can call me Aryan..." he said stopping her in the middle.

" Bye mishh" Manav waved his hands and with that Aryan left with his son, while Paru went to her cabin to finish some formalities.


Parul's POV

It is such a good evening today. The sky looks pinkish and the breeze is gentle. It reminds me so much of Bengaluru's weather. It is always romantic there.

I miss my home so much. I miss Bengaluru and I miss my Ammamma and Thatha (Grandma and Pa) a lot.

They love me so much and I love them a lot. They've been with me my whole life. I grew up in a joint family and my grandparents were always there. They are such a sweethearts.

My grandfather, Raman Yadav, especially is a gem of a person. He never fails to support me. He is always there and he is my great support system.

I have never been away from my family. Not even for a day. I was/am a pampered kid. My parents loved me a lot and my grandparents always pampered me.

It's because of my attachment towards my family, that I didn't go to other states or cities even for educational purposes. I did my master's and certification in IIMS, Bengaluru. After my certification in child psychology, I did an internship at the same University where I studied.

During one of my sessions, I met Mr. Pankaj Patel. He offered me a job at Luminary Academy as a primary child psychologist.

It happened back in April. I was reluctant because I never stayed away from home.

When I told my thatha about the offer, he said I should take up the offer. He was the one who convinced me to take up the offer. Of course, my Ammamma also supported him.

Mr. Pankaj Patel offered me a contract of one year and if I liked the work and wanted to continue there, I could continue it and they'll adjust the contract according to my need.

Mr. Pankaj wanted me because, he said when he spoke to Mr. Asim, Principal at IIMS, he said good things about me and my calibre. I don't know what exactly he said but Mr. Pankaj was adamant on getting me to Luminary Academy.

Even after deciding to take up the offer, I thought about it a lot. I never stayed away from home. It'd affect me a lot. And it's affecting me. I really miss my grandparents and Sameer too.

But Rao uncle and Aditi have been filling up that space. I am grateful to have Mallikarjun uncle in my life.

I met Aditi during one of the national-level lectures on Dance Therapy. I was in 11th grade and my psychology lecturer Mr. Vijay was a professional Dance therapist. So he had conducted a National level workshop and Aditi was there as a guest student.

We were in the same group for the two-day workshop and we hit it off from there.

Aditi is a really good friend of mine and we did not talk daily. She called me monthly once or twice and shared everything that's going on in her life and I also did the same.

She's the only daughter and her father Mallikarjun Rao, loves her with everything.

He treats me like his own.

When Mr Pankaj Patel said that I must shift to Jivapur, Amaravati for a year, I was really worried. Because, it's a new place, new people and I am definitely not people's people but I love kids and I don't consider them people. They're the most beautiful creatures of God.

I remembered Aditi mentioning her native name once or twice and I told her about the offer. Aditi was like, 'You must take up the offer and you are staying at Rao's residence?!'

Grandpa spoke with Rao uncle and he was relieved after speaking with him.

It feels good to have genuine people around us. Aditi is one such gem of a person.

I never thought I would become friends with my students' parents and here I am.

Arya- very interesting and secretive. Genuine and gentle. Caring father and a good friend.

And a good brother.

Aditi and Aryan are cousins and I discovered it three days back.

It was Wednesday and I had some writing work so by the time I reached home it was three. When I got home, I was welcomed by the chirpy voice of Manav and then I saw Aditi and Aryan, talking something, sitting in the veranda.

I was genuinely shocked.

I was this close to asking him..." Are you following me??!!" but Aditi introduced him as her cousin brother at the right time.

Aryan's father, Krishna Rao and Mallikarjun Rao are brothers.

I'm actually intrigued by his warm nature. The way he looks after his son is heartwarming. He is really caring. Manav is blessed with a good father.

Manav is a bundle of joy and the way he calls me 'Mishh' is so cute.

So many times, I wanted to ask Aryan about his wife or Manav's mother but I didn't find the courage to ask him.

We are on good terms and I consider Arya, as a good friend of mine.

He even dropped me off to work Saturday and I think we are good.

Manav is kinda getting attached to me. I really like him too. As a woman and as a human, I appreciate his attachment towards me but as a child psychologist, I cannot approve of it.

He shouldn't get attached to someone like me. I will leave this place after a year and it'll hurt him later.

Also, I don't have it in me to avoid that kid. Maybe, if Aditi and Arya weren't related, our relationship would have been professional. He would only see the teacher/mentor side of me.

But Manav comes home every now and then and spends a lot of time in Aditi's house. It's hard for me not to like him and I don't regret it.

It's not professional of me, but I think I have crossed that line already. He likes me and I cannot break his little heart by ignoring him or treating him indifferently.

I will stay here for another year and it's a long time.

There is no point in thinking about it right now.

This place is quite unusual. It's not at all like Bengaluru or even any other districts in Karnataka.

The State of Amaravati is ruled by only one government and it is the People's Party. The party was founded by Varadha Raj Aras and then his late son, Rajendra Aras became the CM and ruled the State for several decades and now, Varadha Raj Aras is the Chief Minister.

Although he is the chief minister, all the decisions are made by his grandson whose name I don't know, yet. Varadha Raj Aras is the founder of the People's Party but his grandson is the one who changed the dynamics of politics.

I've seen these gangs like people, Rowdy is the term in my place. These guys are everywhere in this place.

How can I forget that deadly incident which happened at the train station?

I was nearly punched by some rowdy guy. I don't know why people didn't try to stop them at that time. At least they could've called the police and they would've taken care of such useless people.

He was hitting some random dude black and blue and no one even dared to speak a word, including me.

I was terrified to the core.

When he raised his fists, I thought he would definitely punch me and I would end up getting a black eye.

Thank god, he didn't punch me.

And what happened next is even more terrifying. That guy pushed me towards that Rowdy and he even caught my waist.

I still feel chills remembering that incident. His eyes are really scary. Brown eyes are always beautiful his eyes, are beautiful too. But scary at the same time. They are the darkest shade of brown I have ever seen. When he looked into my eyes, they almost seemed black.

I didn't tell Aditi or Rao uncle about this. Not to mention my grandparents. They'd be hell worried.

The next day, I curiously watched the news and even read the newspapers but guess what! Nothing about the train station fight was published or telecasted.

He must be someone influential. That's the only plausible reason.

I didn't bother to look up that guy online either. He looks like a bad guy. I mean, I am being judgemental but his looks give me major negative vibes.

Those sharp eyes, his toned face and the way he dressed up in all black. Black shirt and black jeans. The first few buttons opened giving a clear view of his chiselled chest. That chain around his neck, that earring on his left ear, his curly hair and his twitching jaws, screamed bad vibes.

I wish I would never meet him again. He scares me a lot and I don't wanna witness another fight.

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