7. Cold blooded murder


Author's POV

Breaking News: Cold-Blooded Murder Shocks Jivapur Community.

A horrifying incident has left its residents in a state of shock. In a brazen act of violence, a cold-blooded murder has taken place, sending shockwaves throughout the community.

The gruesome incident unfolded late afternoon today when a bystander reported a dead body found at his residential property on Ganesh Street.

Law enforcement swiftly responded to the scene, discovering a grisly crime scene that bore evidence of a cold-blooded murder.

Preliminary investigations indicate that the victim, identified as Mr Rajesh Sharma, a local drug dealer, was brutally attacked near Ganesh Street. The motive behind the heinous act remains unknown at this time, and investigators are working tirelessly to piece together the events leading up to the tragic incident.

Despite the investigation, the only question remains unanswered.

Will these brutal and cold-blooded murders ever stop in Jivapur???

- Anonymous Reporter.

Her eyes went wide seeing the images of the man who was brutally murdered. She recognised the face. It was the same guy who misbehaved with her and Aditi.

She zoomed in the pictures and stopped the cursor right at his forehead. There was a stamp. Leaning in her chair, she zoomed the stamp and it wasn't clear.

Through the blurry image, she could make out what was stamped on his forehead. It was the symbol of a sword engulfed in flames.

Her breath hitched in her throat when realisation hit hard upon her. She connected the dots.

It was her stalker who did the job and she knew it now.

The same guy who sent her the letter killed someone because he misbehaved with her.

Was he there when it happened?

And then, she remembered something else.

Aryan was the one who hit him black and blue.

Is it you, Aryan???

I don't think so!

He doesn't look like a psycho stalker and a killer...

It's always them. Those who look innocent and act innocent are the ones hiding their true colours.

" Who are you....?" she closed the laptop and massaged her temple.

Ever since she read that article, she couldn't focus on anything else.

Somehow another teacher had engaged the class and Parul was free.

She was so worried right now. She wasn't dealing with just a stalker. She was dealing with a possible psycho-killer. It scared the shit out of her.

Closing her eyes, she tried to piece everything together trying to find that killer plus stalker.

" Excuse me, Ma'am.." She opened her eyes to the soft voice of Ramesh, the security guard of the school.

" You have a parcel ma'am" he placed the brown bag on the table. 

Her eyes widened again.

" Sir...who gave the delivery..?" she urged, standing in front of him.

Ramesh felt her expressions were quite exaggerated.

" It's from...uh..Zomato" Ramesh said.

She sighed, hearing the name Zomato.

" Thanks, sir..." she said, walking back to her chair and Ramesh smiled at her before walking out of her cabin.

She opened the brown bag and indeed it was from Zomato. She ordered it a few minutes ago.

Heaving a sigh, she opened the brown bag and placed the cake box on the table.

She had ordered a chocolate cake. She wasn't hungry but she wasn't feeling good. So she thought a chocolate cake might cheer up her mood.

Without bothering about anything else, she munched the cake, devouring the yummy chocolate flavour.

For a minute when Ramesh placed the bag, she thought her stalker had sent something, like a warning or some message. After seeing the cake, her worry subsided.

Gulping the water, she threw the cake box in the dustbin. She took the tissues out of the brown bag and threw the bag in the dustbin.

She loved collecting tissue papers. It was her hobby.

She was about to place the tissues in her bag when she noticed something.

The black ink was too bright to ignore on the bill.

She turned the bill and her eyes widened in pure shock.

" You are right!" was written on the back of the bill.

She immediately looked at the tissues and her suspicion turned out to be true.

" Paaru, don't fear when I am here."

" Are you wondering why I used a tissue instead of a letter?"

" I knew for sure that you wouldn't eat the cake if you saw this message earlier."

" I would hate if you skipped your food because of some pedo!"

" You are right again! I did it Paaru"

" Nobody talks to my woman like that. ~ Ratha"

The first three messages were written on the first tissue, the next two on another tissue and the final message was written on the last tissue.

It was written in a blue ball pen. Whoever wrote it, didn't want the ink to spread and ruin the message.

He also made sure that she must eat the cake first and then read the message.

He knew that his message would spoil her mood and she'd not eat the cake, if she saw the tissues first.

Parul was shivering after reading the message. That person had confessed to killing someone via message.

Her worst suspicions became true. She wasn't just dealing with a stalker but also a psycho killer.

She didn't know what to do now.

Report to the police? It seemed like a bad idea. The stalker said that he did it.

The word it can imply anything and everything.

He didn't mention the word murder. So she cannot report to the police about the murder.

But she can report the stalking. However, she decided against it. It'd create unnecessary problems for her.

Tears brimmed in her eyes, she took in a deep breath and focused on slow breathing.



Black envelope...

Sword engulfed in flames stamp...

A dark red rose...


Bloody murder...

Anonymous reporter...

She opened her eyes again and opened the same article that she read earlier.

She read the same article again and again and again.

And then she found something noteworthy.

Will these brutal and cold-blooded murders ever stop in Jivapur???

" So...such murders have happened before too?" she said looking at the laptop and then at the tissues on the table.

" So a serial killer is stalking me.."  she said to herself, leaning back on the chair.

" Ratha...what do you want from me...?" She mumbled, closing her eyes.


In the dimly lit room, he was sitting on the black leather swivel, enveloped by shadows that danced around him. The air was filled with mystery. The room was shrouded in darkness, with only a faint glimmer of light filtering through a small crack in the curtains, casting a feeble glow upon his face.

Sitting in the darkness, his gaze was fixated on a photograph in his hand, lost in the awe of her beauty. His eyes filled with a glimmer of admiration seemed to hold back the multitude of emotions trying to dominate the love.

As he gazed at the woman in the photograph, his emotions surged forth, overwhelming him with a profound depth of feeling. A bittersweet warmth filled his heart, as memories and emotions intertwined. Her beautiful face, mesmerizing smile and the glimmer in her eyes evoked a torrent of emotions and desires within him.

She had a beautiful smile. He had been looking at the photo for a while and he didn't feel enough, yet. He was craving for more. She was like a drug.

Although their first meet was ruined, he was happy that he got to see her at the train station.

Her beautiful honey-brown eyes were filled with utter fear when their eyes connected for the first time. He loved her eyes although they seemed to bring back bad memories.

Her skin even through the fabric felt so soft against his rough hand. He so wanted to squeeze her curves again and again.

He couldn't see her face properly but he could make out her terrified look through the thin fabric covering her face.

And after that, he saw her again on the shopping street. She looked divine in his eyes.

That's when he decided to put someone behind her all the time.

Mansoor Khan - his right-hand man was following Parul 24/7 and updated the details to Shiva.

When he asked Mansoor to stalk her, he didn't know why he said so. He just wanted to know more and more about her. He didn't understand why he felt that pull towards her. It was unstoppable.

Whenever Mansoor updated about Parul he felt happy and kinda satisfied. He stopped whatever he was doing and listened to Mansoor as he went on and on about her daily activities.

Whenever Mansoor mentioned that she was with Aryan, he felt so angry. Apart from anger he also felt a very strong emotion - Jealousy. He wanted to be there in place of Aryan. He wanted to spend time with her. He didn't like her spending time with Aryan.

He even thought about this jealousy. It was all new now. It's been years since he felt that emotion.

He knew he wanted Parul but he didn't know at that point that he had fallen for her, harder.

And when he saw her in the school, playing with kids, he realised it. He realised that Shiva was in love with Parul.

He never wrote letters. It's not his type. He wanted to do something. And so, he wrote a letter. A letter describing her smile and indirectly declaring his love for her.

He was happy that he found someone to spend the rest of his life with, happily.

His feelings for her were growing rapidly and even darkly.

The desire to own her, make her his own was blinding his senses.

He was monitoring every movement of hers. He was addicted to her.

When he learnt that drug dealer, Rajesh Sharma, misbehaved with Parul, he wasn't just angry, he was in a destructive mode.

He didn't like the way that guy spoke to Parul. Nobody talks to her like that. Shiva will never allow it.

And so, he did what needed to be done.

If someone disrespects Parvathi Devi, Lord Shiva will destroy them without a second thought.

So does this era's Shiva.

After a while, he placed the photo on his chest and closed his eyes.

A certain conversation that happened a few days back lingered in his mind as he admired her beautiful smile.

The 3-year-old jumped on the couch, squealing in happiness. After all, his teacher wrote a star on his hand as he memorized the rhymes properly.

She even kissed his cheeks that day.

Seeing his nephew dancing in happiness, had him wondering.  Intrigued by his joyous behaviour, he crouched near the little boy and asked,

" Why is our chintu dancing like this?" he sounded really gentle.

The little boy stopped jumping and threw his small hands around his neck. Shiva embraced the kid. After a small hug, the kid pulled back and brought his right hand in front of his eyes.

Giggling at his actions, he looked at his hands and there was a star written in a blue ink. He knew one of the teachers must've given him.

" Maama..(uncle) Shona Mishh said I am a good boyy" his doe black eyes twinkled in happiness.

He never heard of that name before. He decided to check on the teacher. After all his nephew had never mentioned any teacher before, and he wanted to make sure that the teacher had no bad intentions of any.

" Shona Mishh also gave me a kissie" The little kid placed a kiss on Shiva's cheeks.

" Chintu likes you...Paaru" He said, his voice sounding deep.

" Chintu's dad also likes you!" he gritted his teeth, looking at the photo in a mad way.

" Chintu's Maama (uncle) loves you Paaru.." he said, tracing his thumb on her lips.

" What Shiva likes, Shiva gets.." he smiled, his deep voice laced with a psychotic tinge. The madness in his eyes was too bright.

" You stole my heart Paaru!" he said, this time the madness in his eyes was replaced with love.

" So it is only fair if I make you mine.." He said, bringing the photo closer to his lips, and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

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Who killed Rajesh?

Why do you think Shiva hates Aryan?

And Shiva is in love with Paaru!

What do you think will happen next?

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