8. Horrors of Jivapur


Parul's POV

I have so many doubts about Aryan and his relationship with Aditi's nameless Bhai.

I don't even know his name. I don't know so many things about the place that I am living in.

Last Sunday, we went to shopping at Ganesh Street, the earrings in that street are a sight to watch. So Aditi took me there again and then some guy came and everything happened.

That day, Aryan came to that place out of nowhere and Aditi's brother, Rowdy also planted himself in the same spot.

What a coincidence!!!!

It's too good to be a mere coincidence.

Rao uncle told me later that, he asked Aryan to pick us up and Aryan being there was reasonable.

I don't know why I see that guy everywhere I go. I mean, not literally. But whenever we go out, he'll be there. It's like, he is following me.

I try to think that he is trying to make sure that his sister- Aditi, is safe.

Talking about safety, after Aryan hit that guy black and blue, Aditi's cousin/brother/Rowdy said something crucial.

"Aditi...tell your little friend about the horrors of Jivapur when she is free. I don't want you both hanging out alone next time! Got it?"

Horrors of Jivapur.

It sounds like a perfect headline for a piece of breaking news.

After he said that, I kept thinking about the possible things that could imply what he meant. But I am at a dead end.

There is no such thing in Google either. I searched everywhere, I spent at least two nights trying to find some information online but I didn't find anything.

What's more shocking is, the article written by that anonymous reporter is also deleted. I cannot even find the profile of that person.

Seems like someone powerful is behind this.

I wanted to ask Aditi about the so-called horrors of Jivapur and Ratha, and her cousin brother. But I didn't.

Since I am from Bengaluru, I know what Ratha means. The word Ratha means chariot and I don't know if it is used as a name. I've never heard of it before.

I wanted to talk to Arya but something in me says that he is not the person that is stalking me.

I have all the reasons to believe that it is him. He saw me in the school. I am Manav's mentor and Aditi's friend. I stay in Aditi's home.

Arya knows many things about me.

We have spent a considerable amount of time for him to know me.


He is not a stalker.

I am one hundred percent sure that he has no bad bones in his body.

He is really gentle. He is a true gentleman. By the way, he looks at his son, I can say he loves him a lot.

He likes me in the purest form. There is no such thing as a crush, attraction or infatuation between us.

I'm past that age. So is Aryan.

He likes me as a good friend. He is a good friend to me. Whatever amount of time we have spent together, never, not even for once, did he give me such bad vibes.

He is a really good man.

I know there are certain things that I don't know about Aryan. He is a private person and I respect his privacy. We've known each other for like, 3 weeks.

If it was me, even I would hesitate to share my details with the person that I met three weeks ago. For some people, time doesn't matter. But for some, they take a lot of time to open up.

I have never asked Manav about his mother. I don't wanna hurt that kid. He is a bundle of joy. Manav doesn't say anything about his mother either. He always talks about Aryan, that too when we are home.

At school, he does mingle with the kids and does all the naughty stuff. However, he never mentions about his mother.

If I ask Aditi, she will tell me and clear my confusion once and for all. But I think this is something deep and is very close to him and so, I haven't asked her anything about Aryan.

Uh, I have no doubts whatsoever about Aryan.

But I cannot take this one particular thing off my mind.

Aryan was hitting the guy black and blue. To me, Aryan is a gentleman. He looks gentle and his behaviour is gentle.

But what I saw that day wasn't the same Arya that I had known for more than twenty-one days.

He was someone else. As if a switch turned on and he completely snapped at that guy.

I know he adores his baby sister Aditi a lot and it is not uncommon for a possessive and responsible brother to react like that. But his actions seemed trained.

As if he was punching the guy in the right places. It was as if, Aryan was possessed by someone ---

A completely violent man.

His eyes looked dark. I've never seen Aryan like that. It felt like I was looking at a stranger.

What's even more shocking was, the way he handled the situation.

By the way, he looks, I thought he would ask the guy to fuck off or something like that. I wouldn't have been shocked even if Aryan slapped him, once or twice.

But what Aryan did and how he reacted was completely mind-boggling, in a shocking way.

I honestly felt that there was a deep-rooted frustration inside him and he was trying really hard to sink that violent personality.

One thing is true, Aryan is certainly controlling his temper.

I noticed it the other day too. When he and Rowdy stood face to face, Aryan clenched his jaws. I'm not sure if he did that to control his anger or some other feelings, he was controlling very hard.

Sometimes I feel like Aryan is hiding something. There is another side of Aryan that I haven't seen or heard of and Aryan is suppressing that side for sure.

There must be some reasons and I completely understand if he doesn't wanna tell me anything about it.

Apart from Arya, the only guy that I have seen 3/4 times is Rowdy, Aditi's bhai!

He gives all sorts of negative vibes. That guy never smiles. He keeps his face like---as if someone dumped him.

He is always angry. He even schooled me--- have you thought this is Bangalore?

When he said this, I controlled myself like anything.

It is Bengaluru and not Bangalore! I wanted to correct him. It was dancing on the tip of my tongue. But then, he doesn't look like the one who takes corrections nicely.

I don't want to mess up with the wrong guys, especially with that Rowdy.

He looks like a Rowdy. Rugged, rough and tough. Sharp eyes and commanding tone, dangerous aura.... everything about him screams red flag.

Sometimes I think that he might be the stalker and psycho killer. There are chances.


That day while scolding Aditi he said--- your little friend.

That means he doesn't know my name. But the guy, my psycho stalker knows my name and he also knows where I work. Oh! I forgot that he is a stalker.

Even now, as I am sitting in front of the book, overthinking about this psycho, he might be watching me. God knows!

I feel his eyes everywhere. Literally everywhere.

That stalker addressed me in his previous messages as Paaru.

He even gave me a nickname!!

He must be nuts. A psycho-perverted stalking nuts! What does that even mean? Whatever.

I don't know why he is stalking me.

I thought it happened only in movies and books. He is making my life a thrilling series.

I hate this guy.

The past few days have been hectic. Everything is fine at school and home. But I keep thinking about this guy and it ruins my mood.

And I have no one to tell, that's the biggest problem.

I can tell Aditi about this guy. But what if he does something to her? Harm her?

I'm sure he must've been keeping tabs on my friends circle. So, Aditi will be his main target if I do something stupid. It feels too much sometimes. I cannot even tell my grandparents.

They're old and this will affect their health.

Sameer? He won't keep his mouth shut.

I'm dealing with this psycho stalker plus killer all alone.

After reading that article, I was seriously disturbed. Why did he kill that guy?


He misbehaved and even said some nasty things but that doesn't mean he can kill someone like that. It was brutal and cold-blooded.

It's unreasonable to look for empathy in a psycho.

It's even sickening to digest the fact that he did it for me.

That message, Oh my god.

It's really creepy.

" Paaru, don't fear when I am here."

" Are you wondering why I used a tissue instead of a letter?"

" I knew for sure that you wouldn't eat the cake if you saw this message earlier."

" I would hate if you skipped your food because of some pedo!"

" You are right again! I did it Paaru"

" Nobody talks to my woman like that. ~ Ratha"

What the hell does he mean by

" My women"

Is he in love with me?

I am going mad thinking about this psycho!

I should stop thinking about him. Or else, I will end up in a psychiatric ward.


Author's POV

Parul crouched beside the small desk and looked at the three-year-old, sleeping on the desk.

His cheeks looked slightly red. He was unusually quiet during the whole class and didn't even speak anything. He was sitting simply.

Parul noticed his unusual behaviour and even fed him. After Manav ate some fruits, he fell asleep on the desk.

Most of the kids left home and she was waiting for Aryan or the nanny/maid who picks up Manav in the absence of Aryan. 

She knew something was wrong, so she touched his back, it was warm.

She touched his cheeks and it was hot. He groaned softly as she touched his neck and then his forehead.

" Oh..you've got a fever baby" She rubbed his back slowly and then,

" Wait a minute, I'll call your pappa and we'll go to the hospital!" she whispered, caressing his chubby cheeks.

She called Aryan and he picked up after two rings. He was driving. He was almost near the school when she called him.

" Hello Arya...where are you?"  she asked, looking at Manav.

He knew something was wrong. He was concerned.

" I'm driving Sona. I'll be there in five! Is everything okay?" he asked, concerned.

" Hmm...yeah! don't drive fast! It's fine..." She said and Aryan heaved a sigh.

With that, she ended the call and lifted Manav in her arms, and walked to her cabin.

She was waiting for Aryan, near the gate.

Aryan arrived at the school after five minutes. When he saw her carrying him in her arms, he knew something was off.

" He is having a fever...let's go to the hospital" Parul said even before he asked anything.

Aryan's face turned dull.

He tried to hold Manav but Parul,

" He will be fine Arya," she placed Manav in her lap, and the kid fell asleep on her chest.

Aryan felt a stinging sensation in his heart looking at Manav.

He didn't speak anything. He couldn't. He drove straight to St. John's Hospital, which was near to the Luminary Academy.

Getting out of the car, they walked inside the hospital. Without paying attention to anyone, Aryan carried Manav inside the general physician, Dr. Lakshmi's cabin.

The lady in her mid-fifties was startled at the intrusion. But seeing Aryan, she heaved a deep sigh. Parul was in a haze to notice all of these.

" Arya...!!"  she glared. 

" Doctor, he is not well... please check him...I am... please" he sounded desperate, even begged. 

Manav woke up to the sounds and started crying.

The fever was draining his energy.

Parul rushed towards Manav and cooed, hushing him to stop crying, whispering sweet nothings.

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How's the Chapter?

Parul doesn't know the name of our Male lead yet!!

Do you think Aryan has some other identity or personality that he is hiding or suppressing?

Let me know your views in the comments section.

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