10. A home wrecker


Author's POV

The soft glow of dawn filled the bedroom. Parul and Manav were still in a deep sleep. He was sleeping on Parul. His legs and arms circled her frame.

They looked like a mother and a son.

Aryan slept in another room yesterday and now, he came to wake them up from their slumber.

With gentle steps, he approached his room, quietly opening the door.

His heart stung seeing them like this.

Sunlight gently filtered through the curtains, casting a warm, golden hue across the room. He was happy yet sad. His feelings couldn't be explained.

Standing beside the bed, he lovingly brushed his hand through the young boy's tousled hair, coaxing him awake with tender whispers. Manav stirred, his eyes fluttering open, and a sleepy smile spread across his face as he recognised his father's familiar voice. He placed the back of his hand on Manav's forehead and the temperature was normal.

Manav grinned at Aryan and then looked at Parul, who was still sleeping.

Both of them decided to wake her up. Manav tapped her cheeks while Aryan stood there and watched the scene in awe. He patted softly on her cheeks and she groaned, stirring in her position. Manav giggled as Parul groaned.

The cute laughter filled the room eventually waking her up. Her eyes met with a pair of black doe eyes, filled with a mixture of warmth and affection. She smiled placing a soft kiss on his cheeks.

She hadn't noticed Aryan yet.

" Good Morning Pari" he said, his voice deep yet gentle. Knitting her brows, she turned towards the door and there he was, leaning against the wall, watching the duo in awe.

He looked handsome. His black hairs were slightly tousled. He was wearing a loose grey tee shirt and black shorts. He looked genuinely happy.

" Good Morning Arya" she chirped, sitting on the bed.

" breakfast in twenty minutes," he said and made an obvious face.

Aryan placed the brown bag on the couch and left the room.


"I never expected you to be this good..." Parul said, munching on the breakfast.

Aryan usually prepared food on Sundays. It's the maids or the nanny who prepares food daily.

Earlier Aryan used to prepare food daily but then everything changed.

" Hmmm...I really like pulao" she sighed, giving him a full smile.

Manav giggled looking at his teacher's expressions.

" Mish...if you stay at our home, Papa will daily make pulao" he said, grinning.

Parul's smile dropped, and so did Aryan's.

Manav was still grinning thinking that Parul would say yes.

" Manav...if I stay here, Aditi Aunty will be alone. You don't want her to be alone right?" She asked, smiling.

" Uh.. hmm no mish...Rao nana is there" He said making a cute pout.

She bit her lips not knowing how to convince.

" Manu...your miss will be alone when you go to your granny's home. We don't want her to be alone...? Hmmm? " he said, making Manav nod his head.

" Mish are you going home today?" he asked, wiping his lips using a napkin.

She nodded.

" No mishh...I want to go to the park... pleash" he pouted again.

Arya and Parul shared a look before nodding their heads in unison.

Manav squealed as they agreed to his sweet demand.


The trio roamed around the city throughout the day. Museum, Art gallery and a waterpark. By the end of the evening, they went to the park and Manav played with other kids, while the adults watched the kids in silence, and solace.

The day went superfast and all three of them seemed genuinely happy.

They went to a restaurant for dinner. It was quite late already and all three of them were tired and hungry. They've been roaming since afternoon.

After dinner, Aryan dropped her back home and Manav seemed quite sad as she got out of the car. But he didn't cry. The little kid was mature enough not to pester her over this.

Parul gave him a long kiss and hugged the boy tightly. She extended her hands for a shake but Aryan pulled her into a warm hug taking her by surprise.

A brief minute went by and then they parted ways.

They were happy.

Their happy faces gave burns to certain someone watching them from afar. He had planned to confront her directly about this.

He had enough of her roaming with Aryan. He was jealous and his patience had limits.

Ever since Mansoor sent him the photo of Aryan and Parul in hospital, he was burning in rage.

He decided to stalk her by himself. What added more salt to his wounded heart was the fact that she stayed in Aryan's house. He so badly wanted to barge in and drag her ass out of there but he didn't.

He knew very well that if he saw Aryan and her together, it wouldn't end well.

Well, it ends in blood and he didn't want to break the goddamn promise.

It's because of that one promise, he is acting like a human or else the story would have been entirely different.

He was not a normal human being. He was something else.

Inhumane and Merciless.

However, that doesn't stop him from claiming what belongs to him. She was his. She will be, sooner or later.

He was fed up already. The demons inside of him craved for blood. The voices sinfully demanded him to inflict pain on both of them. Especially her. He wanted to hurt her, in a good way. One that she'll never forget.

One that'll bring her nightmares.

One that'll make her knees go weak.

He will do it. She stayed in Aryan's home, went out, roamed all day, and to make matters worse, she hugged him!

How dare she?

He was losing the invisible sanity.

The moment he hugged her, he decided to take this game to another level.

A difficult level. A level that makes her cry hard and even beg. A level filled with chills, creeps and utter fear.


She had no idea about the storm that was waiting for her. She returned home happy, called her grandparents and even narrated a few incidents with Aditi and then departed to her room to sleep.

She was so happy that she entirely forgot about her stalker, psycho killer and everything.


Luminary Academy

" What is this...?" she pointed towards the Ball on the picture board.

" BALL" The kids answered in unison.

A big smile appeared on her lips, making the kids smile back.

" Very good...!" she clapped slowly looking at them lovingly.

" Now...I want you all to draw a ball in your notebooks..." she said, placing the scale on the table.

Some kids nodded quietly, while some said..."Yes...miss" and indulged in drawing a ball.

She was standing in front of the first desk, inspecting Farhaan's drawing, when he walked inside the classroom as if he owned the damn place.

The kids gasped and one particular kid said..." Maama"

The strong male cologne hit her nostrils. Parul looked towards her right and her eyes rounded seeing him, standing beside her, staring at her like she was some alien.

Before she had any chance to react, he caught her wrists and dragged her outside.

Parul struggled and tried hard to free herself from his iron-like grip but failed.

" hey...let me go!" She screamed, slapping on his hands.

But he didn't seem to care. He didn't stop, he didn't let her go.

His hasty steps stopped when they reached the farthest corner in the hallways, separating from all the classrooms.

They were alone.

Tears gathered in her eyes as she felt helpless, but she didn't let them slip down her eyes.

" Let me go!" she snapped looking at him with fiery eyes.

All that she got as a reaction/response was an evil smirk. His lips twitched, and she felt bad.

The look in his chocolate-brown eyes screamed danger.

" What...? Don't like me touching you huh?" he sounded malicious.

In response to his question, she pulled her hands back but he increased his grip, earning a hiss from her.

She has only seen him twice or thrice. He dragged her outside in the middle of class and now, he was asking her stupid questions. She was frustrated at this dangerously handsome guy.

" What are you talking about?" she wouldn't have sounded so rude if he hadn't literally dragged her like a doll.

His lips twitched again. He was thoroughly enjoying this conversation.

He took a dangerously close step towards her and cleared the distance between them. Her back moulded against the wall, she looked at him with widened eyes. Their incredibly close proximity was making her breathless.

He observed her features. The fear in her honey-brown eyes was so evident that a part of him decided not to hurt her or say mean things. He was almost convinced by her innocent eyes and beautiful face, but then, the images of her being so close to Aryan flashed before his eyes like a thunderbolt.

He failed to control the anger surging through his veins. He was so angry that his hold on her wrists increased, she almost cried because of the tight grip.

" You only like when married men touch you? Isn't it?" he said, his voice laced with disgust.

She was hurt.

Tears brimmed in her eyes. She looked at him in disbelief. She had no slightest idea about why he was talking all this.

Even if she likes married men, how does it concern him? She was irritated.

" What are you even talking about?" she sounded hurt. She wanted to ask or say many things but she only managed to say this.

He smirked again.

" Don't act all innocent. I know what you are!!" he threw these words like a piece of paper, leaving her hands with a jerk.

Her eyes fell on her left wrist, it was bruised. She then looked at him, who was still raging.

His chocolate brown eyes didn't look brown anymore. They were almost black.

"I don't know what you are talking about..." she mumbled looking between her wrist and his eyes. His jaws clenched again. He thought she was acting.

" Such a drama! Quit the act!" he spat, his eyes roaming all over her body with pure distaste.

She wanted to handle this patiently but now, that wouldn't be happening.

He was taking way too much and her patience has some limitations too.

Gritting her teeth, she raised her hands to slap him but he caught her right hand in the air and twisted it behind her back. A sharp yelp escaped her lips as he twisted her hands roughly.

Tears slid down her eyes. She couldn't control it anymore.

He leaned closer, her breath hitched in her throat. He looked devilish in close-up despite his blessed looks.

His eyes scared her the most. As he clenched his jaws, they looked so sharp. He might even kill her with his sharp jaws.

" Act like a woman...," he hissed, twisting her hand even more. She bit her quivering lips to stop the cries. " a good woman..." his grip on her wrists loosened. " Not like a home wrecker!" he warned curtly. His deep voice was laced with threat.

A home wrecker???

He left her wrists with a jerk. She stumbled back, looking at her now red wrists.

Their eyes collided again. His were burning in rage while hers were filled with unshed tears. He felt a strong pull of string in his heart looking at her tear-soaked face. He didn't want to be manipulated by her tears.

Without wasting another second, he dashed out from there. The way she was sobbing bothered him. And he didn't like it. Not even a bit.

He didn't want any woman's tears to affect him. Except for his mother's. 

She was really confused and oblivious as to why he did what he did just now.

All she knew was that she was hurt.

It was a hard pill to swallow. He came, dragged her outside, warned, and left.

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He confronted her and said some mean things.

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