11. A psycho-stalker-killer


Author's POV

Her eyes welled up, and tears spilled like a broken dam, her trembling lips quivered, as tears cascaded down her cheeks.

He called her a home wrecker.

What did I do to deserve to be called by that name????

With shaky hands, she wiped the tears and dashed out from there.

Pushing the door open, she barged inside the cabin, closing the door behind her angrily.

A deep sigh that was about to escape her lips turned into a scared gasp looking at the contents on the table.

There was a dark red rose, along with a note attached to it.

How...how did he...come inside my cabin...?

Her neck snapped to the right, she didn't see anyone through the window. Striding towards the table, she looked at the red rose. The thorns weren't trimmed like the last ones.

Stay away from every man other than me, lest you want them to become my prey.


The note slipped out of her shaky hands.

She dropped on the chair, clutching the note tightly in her fists. Many thoughts crossed her mind.

Who are you, Ratha....???

She didn't understand what was going on. Shiva, whose name she didn't even know just barged inside the classroom, dragged her outside and warned her.

And now the letter and rose showed up in her cabin. She didn't know what was going on.

Her brain refused to work. Typing a sick leave, she left the school immediately.


Parul's POV

I don't know who is this bloody Ratha and what the hell he wants from me.

That note is a clear-cut warning for me to stay away from every men other than him. 

And that stupid nameless cousin of Aditi, bloody idiot. Bloody Rowdy.

I don't even know him. I have seen him once or twice. Okay, thrice to be more precise.

He has the damn audacity to call me names. Like what the fucking fuck!

I don't usually use cuss words but today, right now, I am so pissed off and so damn sad.

I'm not crying. I don't wanna cry. He doesn't know me. I highly doubt if he has the slightest knowledge about me--my name?

The audacity of that Rowdy to drag me outside and say those mean things! I hope he rots in hell. I seriously do.

I don't even know why he did that.

What did I do?

I'm actually very hurt. Tears are on the verge of streaming down, but I am refusing to cry. I don't want to cry over some random Rowdy's baseless opinions. That's what I am naming it.

Home wrecker?

Whose home am I wrecking?

He must be sick in his brain. I think he is living in a delusional world, where I am the home wrecker!

That's the only possible reason I could gather.

After reading that note, I couldn't stay there for another minute. I was losing shit.

Aditi asked me what was wrong.

I cried back home. But I didn't tell her anything.

What should I tell her? That -- your cousin brother barged inside my classroom, dragged me outside, pinned me against the wall, twisted my hands and called me a home wrecker!

I feel sick to even think about that incident.

I called my grandparents and talked to them. It made me feel better. I didn't tell them anything either.

This sicko Ratha alias psycho stalker-killer might harm my grandparents. He definitely will. He warned me to stay away from other men. Jealous filled nuts!

I think he is implying it to Aryan. Except for Aryan, I don't have any male friends here and Ratha must've seen me going out with him. He is a psycho stalker after all.

I am unable to decode anything. My brain isn't working. I cannot think properly.

What's his problem actually? I've been avoiding it. Haven't it?

The signs.

He is stalking me.

He is a killer.

He killed someone because that guy behaved inappropriately with me.

He gave me red roses twice. One without thorns, one with thorns.

Without thorns, he described my smile. He also mentioned something about his love.

With thorns came with a warning. Threatening to kill men if I get close to them.



He is also violent. The cold-blooded murder is solid proof of it.

He is also powerful. The article disappearing without a trace and the inability of the police department to catch him is proof of this.

He is sick. Well, no one with healthy-normal mental status would stalk someone. Let alone threatening?

Major Red Flags!!

And, Red is definitely not my favourite colour.

What does it mean???

He is obsessed with me.


A psycho stalker-killer is obsessed with me.


But why did Aditi's cousin do what he did? What role does he play here?


I think I decoded it.

He must be that psycho killer's man. Definitely!


I've seen him at the train station. He was hitting some dude black and blue. He would've punched me too, nearly, but then he stopped, thankfully.

So Aditi's cousin is my Stalker's friend or might be working under him!!!


It makes sense now.

This is really confusing. I will stop thinking about it.

I need a big break.

I tried to read some books but I couldn't.

More than this stalker-killer, that Rowdy has occupied my mind.

He called me a homewrecker. I cannot take that word off my mind. I feel so bad. I'm not a homewrecker.


I hate this.

I don't wanna cry over this. But these stupid tears aren't stopping at all.


Author's POV

Aryan looked at the door for a brief minute before knocking it a little hard, again. There was no response, yet again.

He's been knocking on her door for five minutes now and she refused to open the door and talk to him.

When Aryan went to pick up his son, he thought of dropping Parul back home. But she was nowhere to be seen.

So he asked his son about Parul and his son's response made him worried.

When Aryan asked about Parul, he said--- "Shivu Mama came inside the class and pulled her outside and then Mishh didn't come again."

Aryan drove straight to Aditi's home. He wanted to know what happened in the school. He even called her a few times but she didn't pick up.

He asked Aditi regarding Parul and she didn't know anything. She noticed her tear-soaked face when she got back from school. She pestered her a lot but Parul didn't open her mouth.

" She asked me not to disturb her for some time," Aditi told him a while ago when asked about Parul.

He knew something was wrong and his worry increased when she refused to open the door.

Inside the room, she was curled up into a ball, sobbing her heart out. She was hurt by his words. No matter how hard she tried not to cry, she failed to stop the treacherous tears from escaping the confines.

She heard him calling her name, knocking on the door, again and again yet she didn't feel like opening the door. She had no energy.

When she got back home, Aditi pestered her to talk but Parul didn't say anything. She locked herself in the room, thinking, overthinking and then crying over the incident again and again.

Heaving a sharp sigh, he fisted his palms on the door.

" Will you open the door or should I break it down..?" The ultimatum was clear in his voice. His jaw muscles twitched as he pounded hard on the door.

With this force, the door would come down within a few minutes. She didn't want him to damage the door.

So she opened the door.

Aryan looked at her tear-soaked face. Her eyes were slightly puffy. He realised that she's been crying for some time now.

She looked at Aryan for a brief minute. His jaws were locked, fists clenched, concern evident in his black moon, worry written all over his face.

Looking aside, she walked inside, followed by Aryan.

His eyes zeroed in on her wrists, she was fiddling with her dress. A scarlet bruise embellished her wrists.

" What happened?" he dived straight to the topic.

" Nothing..." mumbling under her breath, she shook her head.

An annoyed sigh ripped through his lips.

He knew something had happened. And that something included Shiva. He knew Shiva hurt her. He wanted to hear it from her.

Parul knew Aryan was concerned but she didn't want to put him into trouble. God knows her stalker-killer might target Aryan next time--directly.

" Parul! What's wrong? What happened?" he looked quite angry. His black eyes flickered with worry.

" You should probably leave Arya" She didn't look at him. She couldn't.

She knew if she stood there for another minute, she'd break down and tell him everything. So, she dashed to the balcony.

Aryan was frustrated but he didn't lash out. He followed behind her.

She was leaning against the metal railings, her hands tied across her chest. Aryan cupped her face, making her look at him.

" Tell me what's wrong?" he whispered, looking straight into her honey pools.

Treacherous tears gathered in her eyes, rolling down one after another, wetting her cheeks.

He gently wiped her tears, cupping her face even more.

" That guy...---he..barged inside the classroom...." she cried, narrating to him what happened back in the school.

He looked as if he was expecting something like this. He didn't look surprised.

Yet, his eyes gleamed with anger. Clenching and unclenching his jaws, he pulled her into his embrace. Parul buried her head in his chest, sobbing.

His hands ran through her wavy locks, he whispered gentle hushes, telling her not to cry anymore.

It was a pure hug. There was no intimacy involved. It was pure and innocent.

But it didn't look pure and innocent to his raging dark brown eyes.

He was burning in fury seeing the scene, unfolding in front of him.

She hugged him. His Paaru hugged another man!

Unknowingly, his fists tightened to the point that they looked bone white. His eyes almost looked black.

" Fuck!" gritting through his teeth, he dashed out from there.

"It's baseless Parul.." Aryan said, looking at her. She nodded her head. After five minutes of cooing, she finally stopped crying.

" He doesn't know anything about us. So...don't worry about such baseless claims" he squeezed her hands in assurance. That's what even she thought too. But she couldn't stop those treacherous tears.

" Don't tell Adi about it..." she said, standing beside the door.

Since she finally calmed down, Aryan decided to leave her alone.

" Fine..don't lock yourself and cry again" he gave her a look of assurance before walking downstairs.

When she told him what happened at the school, she purposefully left out the stalking part.

She didn't want to endanger his life.

After talking to him, she felt lighter.

Parul watched his disappearing back for a brief minute, a small smile played on her lips. Sighing, she made her way to the bathroom to freshen up.


Darkness surrounded him. He was sitting on the wooden rocking chair, his head resting on the headrest, his eyes closed shut, his jaws sharply locked, and his hands formed into tight fists.

A deep crease stood out on his forehead.

As the same incident replayed in his mind again and again, the fury that he was feeling increased tenfold.

After dashing out from there, he sat in the car, thinking about his actions. It never happened before. He never regretted hurting someone. It was not him.

Something was bothering him. He knew what it was. Tears. Her tears.

Although he tried to convince himself that her tears were manipulating him, whatever he did was correct....it felt like a bandage trying to cover the bullet hole.

He was bothered and after thinking a lot, he decided to apologise, to her.

Great timing.

He parked his car, about to open the door and stepped out...but what he saw next, made his blood boil.

Aryan was hugging Parul and his anger skyrocketed seeing this.

He wanted to apologise for doing whatever he did but after seeing this, he thought whatever he did was correct and dashed out from there.

He so badly wanted to cut off his hands and teach her a lesson but a promise to certain someone was stopping him.

Or else, he would've gladly taught her a lesson for letting other men touch her!

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