14. Dismantled body parts


Author's POV

Parul moved her head back as if trying to dig a hole in the wall through her head.

His intense eyes made her weak in her knees. She wasn't supposed to feel like this but her body was responding very differently.

Her lips seemed dry, her throat felt dry. She swiped her tongue across her bottom lip and was about to drag the lips in between her teeth. He held her bottom lips between his thumb and forefinger, forcing her to pucker her lips.

His hold was rough yet not enough to hurt her.

" I'd gladly bite those luscious lips...leave it to me..." he said, rubbing his thumb pad on her bottom lip, caressing it.

She gulped at his words.

What was he even talking and what was she even doing instead of shouting her ass out?

"I said...leave..." she was annoyed, more at herself.

She was standing like a doll, allowing him to corner her and do whatever the fuck he wanted to do.

" Didn't I tell you clearly?" he ignored her words like a plague and assessed her lips, checking for any damages.

She didn't understand what he was implying.

She looked at him in confusion. His tone and his actions didn't match at all. He sounded like threatening her a while ago and his actions were gentle, he was assessing her lips keenly.

His long lashes shadowed his high cheeks. His pink full lips formed into a line, almost looking like a sharp line. His razor-sharp jawline raced through the trimmed beards, defining his toned face.

She nearly forgot that she was pinned against the wall without her consent and was admiring his face. He smiled, knowing very well that his looks did something in her heart.

" Stay away from Aryan...." his deep voice brought her out of the admiring trance. She couldn't widen her eyes anymore. Warning was clear in his tone, his twitching jaw proved that he was angry.

His eyes which were a chocolate shade turned into dark brown.

" Don't let him or any other men near you Fianna" he gritted, each word laced through clear warning.

She hadn't noticed when he set her hands free. She placed her hands on his chest, a satisfied grunt ripped through his chest as she touched him there again.

With all her might, she pushed him back but he didn't even budge.

A strand of his black curls loosened from its place, neatly falling on his forehead. Except for his strands, nothing moved.

When all he did was smirk at her frustrated move, her annoyance grew beyond limits.

" Rowdy!" she mumbled, gritting her teeth, looking at him with a fierce gaze.

A deep chuckle escaped his lips as she called him Rowdy.

" you're so funny...little Fianna" he smiled, looking at her, now, scrunched up face.

" I'm not Fiana, Giana or Diana, I am Parul...you've got the wrong person sir..." she whined at the last part.

" Fianna..Do you prefer sir? I'm fine with sir, master or even daddy... whatever you say!" he said, playfully.

The hint of mischief danced in his eyes.

She made a jeez face.

What the actual fuck was happening???

What was he even talking about???

She was baffled. Her tongue seemed to be tied down in invisible ties. She failed to give him a proper reply. She failed to even form a proper sentence in the first place.

" Do you understand? Fianna?" He asked, demanding an answer from her.

A deep crease formed on her forehead.

" What...?" she sounded in disbelief.

As much as terrified she was, the urge to push that single strand off his forehead increased. She felt sick for even thinking about that strand when her life was at a cost.

" Stay away from every single man out there, if you don't want to witness a massacre or be the reason for one" he uttered these words with utmost seriousness. His eyes were fixed on hers intently.

A shaky gasp escaped her lips. She was clearly annoyed but she was too scared to say anything offensive.

" Why...?" was a whisper that escaped her lips. Tears glistened in her eyes threatening to escape but she fought hard to keep them under the confines.

He leaned closer to her face, brushing his nose against her soft, chubby cheeks. Parul almost shrieked when he leaned back and looked at her like he was high on some drug.

" Sometimes fear smells like arousal fia" he husked, almost seeming like he was smiling.

She was about to sigh in frustration when he,

" Because Ratha doesn't like it," he said, dropping a bomb inside her mind.

His voice was deep, laced with a direct threat. No sugarcoating words.

All the roses, notes and confessions and warnings rushed back to her mind. Especially that last warning and the rose with thorns.

Everything, every single word rang in her ears. It wasn't fear... It was something else.

Her breathing became heavy. She tried to push him back but he didn't even budge, yet again.

Her lips trembled, out of habit, she tried to bite them but he stopped her doing so by squeezing her lower lip roughly.


" Ratha...who the fu----"

" Careful how you choose the words fia.." he interrupted her ranting making her heave a sigh of frustration.

He would have let her have her own outburst but he simply wanted to tease her. She was fun to mess with.

" Then stop calling me Fia or Gia. Who is Ratha?" she sounded annoyed, it was written all over her face.

Without giving a damn about her annoyance, he leaned closer, very much close to her liking. She held onto his chest like her life depended on it.

" Your future husband" he whispered on her lips, then looked at her face. She looked red, flushed yet scared.

It was confusing her as well.

She should have been angry. But her reaction was something else.

" Nonsense" she mumbled to herself. It was loud enough for him to hear. A dark chuckle escaped his lips.

" Tell me Fianna... would you prefer dismantled body parts over red Roses?" he asked, looking straight into her eyes.

Her eyes widened like saucers. She couldn't believe her own ears.

He'd love to tease her but she needs to know that he is not kidding about anything. He is serious as fuck and there's no going back now.

" if I see you again with Aryan or any other men...." he paused, looking at her misty eyes. " I will make you watch as I brutally slaughter them!" he completed, warning clear in his tone.

A lone tear cascaded down her eyes, rolling down her cheeks.

He placed his lips on her left side of the cheek. Pressing a warm kiss, he leaned back.

Her heart skipped several beats as he kissed her cheeks. She was breathing heavily. She could hear her heart pounding against her chest.

Throwing her one last look, he opened the door and left the cabin.

Parul waited until she heard the clicking sound of the door, she quickly sprinted towards the door and was about to shut the door when she saw Mr. Patel talking to him.

" What a pleasure Mr. Shiva..." Patel shook hands with Shiva, he would have dashed out without acknowledging his presence but he knew his little deer was watching him, peeping through the slightly opened door.

His chocolate eyes travelled towards the slightly ajar door, there she was peeping like a sneaky kitten.

Her eyes went round as he caught her in the act. He winked, shaking his hands with Patel.

" Yeah...great pleasure" he said, his eyes roaming on her beautiful face.

She gasped hearing his words, she knew he was implying it to her and it terrified her.

She closed the door, slowly and walked back to her chair.

She needed to think, a lot about his warnings and even more about her actions!


Closing the book, she placed it on the small tea table in front of her. She was reading a book called...

" Mistakes Were Made (but Not by Me) by Carol Tavris"

It was her hobby. Reading books helped her to calm her racing mind. It was her way of coping with the distress and unfortunate situation.

When she came back home, her mind was a mess. She thought a lot about Shiva, now that she knew his name, and her reaction to his touches and towards him, to be more precise, it wasn't right but she wasn't wrong too.

Yes. She shouldn't have blushed when he said 'Your future husband' but she couldn't stop that tint crawling up her skin.

Yes. She should have slapped him hard but she also knew the consequences of doing it.

One, he barged inside her cabin and locked it. Her cabin is located in the farthest corner and it is soundproof.

He has barged inside the cabin and what are the chances of him not killing her?

She didn't want any of that.

Two, he was basically very strong and even with all her might all she could move was the strand of his curly locks. That's it.

Three, her body and mind were battling against each other. It was a losing battle from the beginning and her body won, unanimously.

She was scared. There was no doubt about it. But it was also leading to something else. Something hot. Something wicked and even more sinful.

She spent an hour under the shower, thinking about it. Concluding that she is going Insane by thinking about her Stalker, she rested the case.

But still, that uneasy feeling was eating up her peace.

So she decided to check about Shiva online. Too bad she didn't know his full name.

Sighing in despair, she shut down the laptop and threw herself to the books hoping to find some solace.

Reading that book did provide her peace of mind. She spoke with her grandparents and continued reading the book.

Her stomach grumbled because of hunger. Parul placed the book on the tea table and walked downstairs, to eat the food, leaving her phone upstairs.

Heating the Rice and curry, she ate the food quickly. Whenever she wasn't reading or interacting with kids, Ratha occupied her mind.

She didn't want to think about him. Actually, she was overthinking but yeah she wasn't ready to accept it.

Washing the dishes, she made her way upstairs. Her phone started ringing as she plopped on the bed. It was Aditi.

Something flashed in her mind. Shiva is Aditi's cousin. So Aditi knows his last name.

" Sona...,--"

" Aditi...I'm fine, I ate the food, yeah I heated it again and washed the dishes and now I'm reading a book..." Parul ranted everything in one go.

" What's bothering you?" Aditi asked after a brief silence followed by a breathy chuckle.

" Don't ask me why... I need Shiva's last name" Parul dived straight into the topic.

Aditi was quiet for a brief moment. She knew Parul wouldn't ask anything unless there was something important.

" Shiva...Shiva Raj Aras" Aditi said, after a brief minute.

An annoyed sigh ripped through her lips.


She didn't hear anything after Raj.

" Wait? Raj? She was in disbelief.

" No.. his grandfather is ruling now" Aditi almost screamed from the other end.

" So Wait? He is like involved in crime" she pitched another doubt, without wasting another minute.

But there was no response from Aditi. She looked at the signal and it was fine and the call was still ongoing. Muttering curses...

" Hello...Aditi can you hear me?" she shouted, gritting her teeth.

And the call went silent.

" Ugh! Fuck!" she called her again and it was unreachable.

" Seriously!!!" she shouted looking at the wall.

And then something flashed in her mind.


Shiva Raj?????

She said something starting from A... What's it???

She started typing furiously on her keyboard. Her fingers were shaking and maybe because of the tension, she typed it all wrong.

Heaving a deep sigh, she typed it again and clicked the search button. The speed of the internet never bothered her. It was still buffering and her patience was wearing out.

A loud thunder broke, making her jump in bed. She looked towards the sky. It was lightning too.

Wait? What month is it? June? Does it rain in June??

Mumbling incoherent nothings, she walked towards the balcony to pick up her book.

Involuntarily her eyes travelled towards the street light pole. Cold Chills ran up and down her spine.

And the power went off.

But still, she recognised his eyes. Dark brown eyes.

They were fixed on hers.

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How's the chapter?

Next she will meet her Stalker in person.

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