15. What’s your emergency


Author's POV

The night was dark and tempestuous.

The atmosphere was heavy with moisture. Except for the occasional bolts of lightning illuminating the dark sky, everything was pitch black.

The resounding echoes of thunder, a mighty rumble reverberated through the air.

In the midst of the rain and the symphony of thunder and lightning, he stood still, lurking in the darkness, his gaze fixed upon a figure watching him from the balcony.

Her eyes widened like saucers, her lips parted in disbelief. Her heart pounded with a mixture of fear and anticipation as she watched him, standing in the middle of the road, stealthily moving through the shadows.

He was wearing a black hoodie and black jeans. His hands were tucked inside the pockets of a hoodie. His lips stretched into a small smirk, his eyes intently fixed on her struck form.

Her confusions were cleared.

Shiva is my stalker.

Ratha is his other identity.

Shiva and Ratha are the same.

As realisation crashed upon her, creeps travelled down her body.

With a rumbling thunder, The heavens opened up, unleashing a torrential downpour upon the world below. Raindrops, like shimmering crystals, cascaded from the sky, drenching the earth and everything in its path.

He blended seamlessly with the night, his form silhouetted against the backdrop of rain-soaked streets.

All it took for her to move her long-struck body was his one step.

She picked up the book and dashed inside the room, forgetting to lock the window behind her.

She was fumbling with the door when another thunder broke, sending her body into flight or fight mode.

Picking up her phone, she turned on the flashlight and sprinted downstairs. With everything, she didn't remember locking the main door.

Without looking here and there, she dashed towards the door and double-locked it. It was pouring heavily by now.

Leaning against the door, she heaved a sigh which came out shaky.

Bright arcs of electricity danced across the clouds, casting a soft glow on the shadow.

What looked like a distorted shadow, came into clear picture when she flinged the flashlight towards the right corner of the living area, just beside the window.

It wasn't a shadow. It was him.




Her stalker.

Or Psycho stalker plus killer in her own terms.

Her breathing stuck in her throat. She forgot to breathe. Even moving an inch seemed difficult.

With the lightning casting a raw glow on his face, his features became clearer and clearer.

His hair was slightly wet, and so was his hoodie. A few raindrops wetted his clothes which meant that by the time she came downstairs, he sneaked inside.

His eyes looked a shade lighter than they usually seemed. Perfect chocolate colour. There was something wicked glittering in his eyes. She failed to fathom. His lips curved into a small smirk, she knew it was a sign of mocking her for her losing condition.


She didn't run. Rather she looked at her phone and then at him. She even smiled victoriously.

When Aditi told her his full name, she didn't hear the last part because of the network problem.

Parul didn't know anything about the Arasu family or the power Shiva holds in this state.

Without bothering about anything, she arched her brows, daring him to take another step towards her. Shiva knew very well what she was going to do and he was least bothered about it.

She will learn about him. She will know how powerful he is within a few minutes and what else he needs.

He knew his little deer would exactly do this and he came prepared.

Shiva arched his brows daring her to do whatever she was planning to do and completed the challenge by taking a long stride towards her.

Breathing out heavily, she dialled the three familiar numbers on her keypad with shaky hands. Clutching the mobile tightly, she called the emergency service.

" Hello...what's your emergency?" the man on the other end spoke formally.

Shiva's smirk widened, and he took another stride towards her.

" No...hello...I need police... immediately... please help me..." she almost cried, shaking her head. Tears formed in her eyes ready to spill but she didn't cry. She still hoped that the police would come and save her from him!

" Ma'am.. what's your name.. please tell us what's happening?" the caller responded.

" I have an intruder here...he is inside my home...he is also a psycho... stalker and I think a serial killer too! Please sir..send the police soon!" she whined at the last part. Shiva chuckled looking at her terrified face.

" Ma'am, what's the address? Dispatchers are on their way!" the caller said.

"Number 36, 1st main,...D street" She tried to remain calm but her heart was racing a mile per beat. She felt like her heart would come out of her mouth within due time.

His predatory steps and calm eyes shook her to the core.

" Hello sir...can you hear me?" she was desperate when the emergency responder didn't say anything. She looked at her phone and in the next second the call ended.

"No...no...!" she tried to dial again but stopped when he stood in front of her, only three or two steps afar.

She looked at him as if she were looking at the ghost. Her face turned white looking at him in the darkness. Involuntarily her phone slipped out of her hands, she knew this was it.







And she pushed him back with all her might and started running for her life.

She double-locked the door just now. It'd be a bad idea to run for the door, so she ran towards the stairs.

Shiva stumbled back because of the sudden push but before Parul made it three steps, he caught her.

His hands roughly circled around her waist, her feet were off the ground. She trashed in his hold, trying to free herself but failed.

" Let me go!" she screamed, kicking her legs in the air.

He lifted her upon his shoulders, like a sack of potatoes and walked upstairs, towards a particular room.

It was as if he knew every detail of this house.

She banged her fists on his back, screaming at him to let her go but Shiva didn't stop. All he did in reaction to her screams and hits was to squeeze her butt cheeks roughly, earning a sharp yelp and then silence followed. 

When Shiva squeezed her butt cheeks, she realised that she was in deep shit and decided to make her death less painful.

He kicked the door open, pushed it back, and locked it behind him.

He threw her on the bed making her bounce twice or thrice. Parul decided to use this opportunity to run but then, he quickly hovered over her, held her wrists above her head and tied them to the bedpost, using the satin tape that he had brought earlier.

All the while, she cried and wiggled violently but nothing helped. He had spread her legs widely and settled in between them. She couldn't kick him in that position.

When she realised there was no escape, tears spilled from her eyes disappearing into her hairline.

He watched her sobbing figure underneath him. She was wearing a rose gold satin one-slip night suit. The shorts didn't cover much and with all the struggles it barely covered her upper thighs.

" Shh...!" he placed his forefinger on her trembling lips. She opened her mouth to scream but then he stopped before she could do so.

" Scream and face the consequences!" he warned, his voice deep, curt.

Ignoring her annoyed face, he continued to admire her.

He was hard now. Her trembling lips made him hard and she could feel his hardness poking her thighs.

She thought he would assault her and then kill her in cold blood.

That thought alone made her want to shout and cry like a small kid but she didn't open her mouth. She was waiting for the right chance.

Maybe when he is done checking her out, he'll let her go. She thought to herself.

He had seen her in such a short dress before but it was from afar. He was watching her from a distance. But now, he was inside her room. He had all the time to admire the beauty withering underneath him.

Slowly tracing his hands on the outlines of her dress, he was careful enough not to touch any of her curves. Yet.

Her eyes followed his actions. Her eyeballs almost popped out when his fingers crossed the area above her abdomen, waist and chest.

Placing two fingers under her chin, he made her look into his eyes.

" You are effortlessly beautiful Paaru" he whispered, tracing his thumb on her dry lips.



Her face morphed into a horror one. She was almost on the verge of begging him.

" if they tremble again, your lips will go in between my lips!" he warned, coldly.

She couldn't stop herself from biting her lips sharply to stop the trembling.

Shiva had enough of her biting her lips. He leaned closer to her face, cupped her cheeks, holding her in one place and pressed his lips on her quivering ones.

She shook her head violently and wiggled hard to make him stop but nothing helped her.

His hold on her cheeks increased, forcing her to remain steady. Tears streamed down her eyes as he licked the seam of her bottom lips, slowly dragging her lips in between his sharp teeth, biting it painfully hard and then licking it to soothe the pain.

She fisted her palms and clenched her teeth, not wanting to open her mouth for him.

His other hand travelled down, squeezing the dip of her hip, slowly yet painfully hard, earning a sharp hiss from her.

Sucking on her bottom lips, he thrust his tongue inside her mouth, fighting against her retreating one. It seemed like her tongue was hiding from his. But failed to hide.

He swirled his tongue around hers, gently massaging her tongue with his, simultaneously squeezing her waist, letting her release an unstoppable moan.

In between the kiss, he looked at her face. She seemed like controlling very hard. Her eyes were closed shut, and so were her fists.

He wanted to look into her honey pools while devouring her mouth. Moving his hands upwards, he gently cupped her right bosom, her eyes opened wide. Smirking, he dragged her lips in between his teeth, and bit sharply, licking and then sucking and then left her mouth placing a soft peck on her now chapped lips.

Drops of tears cascaded down her eyes, disappearing into her hairline.

Her eyebrows were furrowed, and a thin layer of redness covered her eyes, along with dew drops. She looked at him with an accusing glare, while her lips wobbled.

Shiva smirked seeing her reaction. It was expected but still, she moaned as he deepened the kiss.

" Was it not good? Should we try again? Fia?" he asked leaning closer to her face.

She patiently waited for him to make a move. She stayed still as he placed his lips on her lips. Before he parted his lips, she opened her mouth and attacked his hips with her teeth, biting his bottom lips sharply.

He suppressed the sharp hiss rumbling through his chest, allowing her to bite his lips to her heart's content.

Freeing his lips from her teeth, she looked at him arching her brows, a smug smile played on her lips.

" Was it good?" she scoffed, rolling her eyes at him. He traced his thumb finger on his bottom lip and sucked his lips, nodding his head briefly.

" If you had told me you like it wild!" he drew an invisible line from her lips to her neck using his thumb finger, her eyes widened at his actions. " unleash baby... unleash that wild side" And then, his big circled around her neck, his eyes hinting at mischief. He didn't stop drawing invisible patterns on her neck using his thumb.

She let out a defeated sigh looking at him with teary eyes.

" Can I ask you something?" she mumbled, her voice sounding low and shaky.

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